Ca l’Amiral de Figuerola is a gorgeously rugged estate founded by the great grandparents of Blanca Ozcaríz Raventós, generations ago in the Lavern, Subirats sub-zone of Penedés. The daughter to celebrated local artist Maria Assumpció Raventós, Blanca has cared for her family’s vineyard estate since 1998 with a sincere dedication to an extremely natural approach. Behest to carry on the bohemian spirit of her mother, Blanca channels her artistic aura through the dramatic design of her unique labels. With each small vineyard plot ranging from .2ha to 1ha in size and 12-50 years old in age, all 10ha are Certified Organic with Biodynamic applications and regenerative agriculture. All Jardí dels Sentits wines are made naturally with minimal or zero intervention certified by the analysis of all wines marking sulfites or total SO2 <30mg/l.


Technical Data

Established: 1998
Farming: Estate, Cert. Organic, bio-dynamic, zero-low sulphur

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  1. Baby Bubbles

  2. Misteriós Xarel-lo

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